
Improve confidence and competence

Medical Risk_C

Mitigate mistakes

Improve Customer Experience_Y

Improve customer experience

Are your medical assistants consistently providing quality care?

Medical Assistants play a vital role in healthcare delivery. In fact, the occupation is expected to grow at a faster pace than many medical roles. The Medical Assistant Orientation (MAO) provides medical assistants with the knowledge and skills necessary to appropriately manage patient care and ensure better outcomes.
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Ensure quality care and reduce mistakes

HealthStream’s Medical Assistants program offers robust orientation with realistic patient scenarios and specific decision-oriented training to ensure they possess both the soft and technical skills necessary to handle any patient encounter

Medical assistant with patient demonstrating realistic patient scenarios


Program features:

  • Medical assistants can apply continuing nursing/medical education contact hours/credit hours for recertification
  • Course modules include case scenarios and knowledge checks throughout
  • Over 30 competency skills checklists automate and improve educational initiatives
  • Assign checklists using standard HealthStream Core functionality
  • Pre-screened, qualified evaluators selected and associated to each checklist

Initiatives and goals supported:

  • Strengthen continuum of care through knowledgeable medical assistants within your organization
  • Validation of skills through a comprehensive assessment program
  • Reduce turnover and vacancy rates for medical assistants by validation of skills during orientation, providing resources and support for identified gaps
  • Increase office proficiency to improve customer experience

Impact to care:

  • Recognize when tasks are outside standard medical assistant scope of practice
  • Perform key infection control actions and understand their importance as a preventive measure
  • Effectively perform patient intake processes and appropriately record results
  • Accurately collect and record patient vitals and recognize results out of normal range
  • Define the rights of medication administration and administer medications accordingly
  • Use medical math calculations correctly for dosing and unit conversion
  • Perform strep tests, urine dip and visual acuity tests accurately
  • Perform electrocardiogram test
  • Respond appropriately to an emergency event



project growth of medical assistant jobs from 2016-2026, according to the U.S. Dept. of Labor

As a healthcare leader, are you…

  • Tired of inefficient training plans?
  • Nervous about whether your training plan is covering all requirements?
  • Looking for ways to save time?
  • Trying to find ways to engage your learners?

Request a demo

Contact us to find out how this program can help your medical assistants improve the skills employed during any patient encounter and reinforce good practices through simulated scenarios.

Request Demo